Other Stuff

Need to Divide a Room?

One of the most difficult parts of stage design and even ministry is the constraints of a building. For many CSDI readers, they’re meeting either in a portable space like a gym, or they have a building that was made with one purpose in mind, yet they are trying to accomplish something different with it.

I wanted to introduce you to one of our sponsors, Screenflex. They are a company committed to helping you out of this situation.

Many people use pipe and drape to divide rooms, but you have issues with noise bleed or, if you’re like my church, kids running through the drapery and knocking down the whole system.

Screenflex builds portable room dividers that are more rigid with actually acoustical properties to help reduce noise bleed.

They can easily roll anywhere at any time. This allows you to quickly change a room configuration in seconds. Ideal for children’s rooms or VBS where you need more flexibility. They can be set up straight, curved, or in any shape configuration you need. Plus you can tack things to the walls to extend their usability.

The sound dampening makes it ideal for multiple classrooms or things where you need isolated areas of sound. Plus they’re all made in the USA, so the quality means it will last a long time.

You can build your own panels on their site, choosing different heights, widths, and colors for the dividers. Check them out!

Revolutions All the Way Up

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